Geostatistical modelling of arsenic in drinking water wells and related toenail arsenic concentrations across Nova Scotia, Canada.
This paper looked at the spatial variation of toenail arsenic concentration, they found that because of geological and environmental contaminants in well water there are higher levels of arsenic concentraion in human bodies.
What is the role of obesity in the aetiology of arsenic-related disease?
They took a large number of samples from people in Nova Scotia and determined that those who were obese had lower levels of arsenic concentrations in their bodies. The samples were taken from 960 people aged 35-60 between 2009-2010. Dietary patterns were also assessed along with drinking water.
Relationship between drinking water and toenail arsenic concentrations among a cohort of Nova Scotians
They evaluated the relationship between arsenic concentrations in drinking water and toenail clippings among a cohort of Nova Scotians. A total of 960 men and women aged 35 to 69 years provided home drinking water and toenail clipping sample. They determined that those who were obese had lower concentrations of arsenic in their bodies than those in normal weight ranges.