Our History

The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer established the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (now CanPath) in June 2008.

  1. June 2008

    The official launch of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project, hosted by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer

  2. November 2011

    100,000 participants enrolled

  3. March 2012

    200,000 participants enrolled

  4. December 2012

    50,000 blood samples collected

  1. October 2013

    The cancer and cardiovascular research communities launch “The Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds,” building on CPTP

  2. October 2013

    100,000 blood samples collected

  3. March 2014

    Data access pilot successfully completed

  4. August 2014

    300,000 participants enrolled

  1. March 2015

    Access infrastructure in place to support requests by qualified researchers for data and biosamples

  2. April 2015

    Data made available to the scientific community

  3. March 2017

    More than $6 million awarded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to support research using CPTP data and biosamples

  4. June 2017

    Data linkages pilot project complete

  1. April 2018

    Canadian Partnership Against Cancer announces scientific leadership transition to University of Toronto

  2. April 2019

    University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health established as the scientific home for CPTP

  3. January 2019

    Recruitment began for the Manitoba Tomorrow Project

  4. March 2020

    Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project becomes CanPath, Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health

  1. April 2020

    CanPath launched its COVID-19 initiative to support national COVID-19 research activities.

  2. July 2020

    Follow-up questionnaire data became available

  3. January 2021

    The first release of the COVID-19 data, including >93,000 responses, became available to researchers

  4. February 2023

    Recruitment began for Healthy Future Sask