
Les publications qui suivent sont des exemples de recherches rendues possibles grâce aux données de CanPath et de ses cohortes régionales.


Relationships between the Planetary Health Diet Index, its food groups, and polygenic risk of obesity in the CARTaGENE cohort

Auteurs : G. Masip, D. E. Nielsen

The researchers investigated the relationship between adherence to the Planetary Health Diet Index (PHDI) and genetic susceptibility to obesity in 7,037 CARTaGENE participants. They found that higher PHDI adherence was negatively associated with BMI, waist circumference, and body fat percentage. Genetic susceptibility to obesity was partly mediated by red meat and whole grain intake, with some effects varying by sex and reducing after correction for multiple comparisons.

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Investigating Skin Cancer Risk and Sun Safety Practices Among LGBTQ+ Communities in Canada

Auteurs : F. Lagacé, F. Mahmood, S. Conte, L. A. Mija, A. Moustaqim-Barrette, J. LeBeau, A. McKenna, M. Maazi, J. Hanna, A. S. V. Kelly, R. Lazarowitz, E. Rahme, T. J. Hrubeniuk, E. Sweeney, I. V. Litvinov,

The researchers conducted a national survey of 700 LGBTQ+ individuals to evaluate skin cancer risk factors, sun-protective behaviors, and related concerns. Some participants were recruited with the help of longitudinal cohorts, notably the Manitoba Tomorrow Project and Atlantic PATH. The researchers found that 60% reported over 10 lifetime sunburns, 58% experienced at least one blistering sunburn, 34% had used tanning beds, and 69% reported having a tan in the last 12 months. Regular sunscreen use was reported by only half of the respondents. These findings emphasize the urgent need for culturally sensitive public health campaigns targeting sun safety practices within the LGBTQ+ community.

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Lower estimated glomerular filtration rate relates to cognitive impairment and brain alterations

Auteurs : S. Rahayel, R. Goupil, D.S. Genest, F. Lamarche, M. Agharazii, V. Ayral, C. Tremblay, F. Madore

The researchers investigated the association between estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and cognitive function in 15,897 CARTaGENE participants. They found that lower eGFR was linked to reduced cognitive performance and that brain regions associated with eGFR were enriched in mitochondrial and inflammation-related genes. These associations were independent of age, sex, education, BMI, Framingham risk score, and white matter lesion volume.

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A comprehensive analysis of skin cancer concerns and protective practices in Manitoba, Canada, highlights lack of skin cancer awareness and predominance of high-risk sun exposure behaviors

Auteurs : F. Lagacé, S. Conte, L. A. Mija, A. Moustaqim-Barrette, F. Mahmood, J. LeBeau, A. McKenna, M. Maazi, J. Hanna, A. S. V. Kelly, E. Rahme, T. J. Hrubeniuk, S. Peláez, I. V. Litvinov

The researchers conducted a cross-sectional survey using data from Manitoba’s Tomorrow Project to examine sun exposure behaviors and attitudes. They found that over 65% of participants reported a history of sunburns, more than 50% had used tanning beds, and fewer than 50% used sunscreen. These findings highlight critical gaps in sun protection practices and awareness, underscoring the urgent need for targeted public health interventions to reduce skin cancer rates.

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Cohort profile: the CARTaGENE Cohort Nutrition Study (Quebec, Canada)

Auteurs : V. Ho, I. Csizmadi, B. A. Boucher, M. McInerney, C. Boileau, N. Noisel, Y. Payette, P. Awadalla, A. Koushik

The researchers aimed to address emerging nutritional epidemiological research questions, using data from the CARTaGENE cohort. Dietary information was collected making it a rich resource for the exploration of diet in the etiology of many health outcomes. They found that dietary intake and quality varied among participants but generally met recommended nutrient levels. Along with other findings, the Canadian Healthy Eating Index 2005 (C-HEI) scores were higher among never smokers, those with higher education, and those with more physical activity compared to current smokers, less than high school education, and those with lower physical activity.

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Genomic Analysis Identifies Risk Factors in Restless Legs Syndrome

Auteurs : Fulya Akçimen, Ruth Chia, Sara Saez-Atienzar, Paola Ruffo, Memoona Rasheed, Jay P. Ross, Calwing Liao, Anindita Ray, Patrick A. Dion, Sonja W. Scholz , Guy A. Rouleau, and Bryan J. Traynor

The researchers studied 9,851 Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) cases and 38,957 controls of European ancestry from CARTaGENE, Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, and All of Us biobanks in Canada and the U.S. They found nine genetic locations linked to RLS, including one new location (LMX1B), and identified two related genes (GLO1 and ELFN1). The study also revealed genetic overlaps between RLS and traits like neuroticism, depression, and intelligence. This research enhances our understanding of RLS’s genetic factors.

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Addressing dispersion in mis-measured multivariate binomial outcomes: A novel statistical approach for detecting differentially methylated regions in bisulfite sequencing data

Auteurs : K. Zhao, K. Oualkacha, Y. Zeng, C. Shen, K. Klein, et al.

The researchers investigated the association between DNA methylation and levels of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA), a preclinical marker for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) risk, using asymptomatic samples from the CARTaGENE cohort. Through targeted custom capture sequencing of whole blood, their analysis identified 23 significant genes potentially contributing to ACPA-related differential methylation. These findings emphasize the roles of cell signaling and collagen metabolism in RA.

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A statistical testing strategy accounting for random and nonrandom (skewed) X-chromosome inactivation identifies lung cancer susceptibility loci among smokers

Auteurs : Jantzen R, Camilleri-Broët S, Ezer N, Broët P

The research used 9,261 participants from the CARTaGENE cohort to identify susceptibility loci for lung cancer among current and past smokers. X chromosome-wide statistical analysis identified two SNPs in low-linkage disequilibrium located in the IL1RAPL1 (IL-1 R accessory protein-like) gene: rs12558491 and rs12835699. For both SNPs, the minor allele was associated with lower lung cancer risk.

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Ultra-processed foods consumption, depression, and the risk of diabetes complications in the CARTaGENE project: a prospective cohort study in Quebec, Canada

Auteurs : Akankasha Sen, Anne-Sophie Brazeau, Sonya Deschênes, Hugo Ramiro Melgar-Quiñonez, Norbert Schmitz 

Researchers examined the association between depression, ultra-processed food consumption (UPFs), and the risk of developing diabetes-specific complications in adults with type 2 diabetes. Data from participants enrolled in CARTaGENE were used. Over 7 years, 105 individuals developed diabetes-related complications. Participants with high depressive symptoms and high levels of UPF consumption had a higher risk of diabetes complications compared to those without depressive symptoms and low levels of UPFs in their diet. When high depressive symptoms and antidepressant use were combined with high UPF consumption, the risk of diabetes complications was higher.

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Factors associated with change in moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety and depression in community-living adults and older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

Auteurs : Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Jessica Spagnolo, Mary Bartram, Marie-Josée Fleury, Jean-Philippe Gouin, Sébastien Grenier, Pasquale Roberge, Grace Shen-Tu, Jennifer E Vena, Catherine Lamoureux-Lamarche , JianLi Wang

Researchers explored changes in moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety or depression (MSSANXDEP) from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, and examined associated sociodemographic, economic, psychosocial, health behavior and lifestyle, and clinical factors. Data from 59,997 participants from the five established cohorts of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath) were used. Analyses indicated that certain sociodemographic, economic, lifestyle, health behavior, psychosocial, and clinical factors were associated with remitted, incident, and persistent MSSANXDEP.

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