Covert vascular brain injury and cognitive dysfunction among Chinese adults living in Canada and China
The researchers examined how country of residence influences covert cerebrovascular disease (VBI) and cognitive dysfunction among Chinese adults living in Canada and China. The study compared Chinese adults in Canada and China. They found that people in Canada had a lower prevalence of covert VBI and cognitive dysfunction than those living in China, even though both groups shared the same ethnicity. Living in China was associated with a much higher risk of covert VBI and lower cognitive function, although the link between cognitive dysfunction and country of residence was explained by education and traditional cerebrovascular risk factors, such as blood pressure and cholesterol.
Investigating Skin Cancer Risk and Sun Safety Practices Among LGBTQ+ Communities in Canada
The researchers conducted a national survey of 700 LGBTQ+ individuals to evaluate skin cancer risk factors, sun-protective behaviors, and related concerns. Some participants were recruited with the help of longitudinal cohorts, notably the Manitoba Tomorrow Project and Atlantic PATH. The researchers found that 60% reported over 10 lifetime sunburns, 58% experienced at least one blistering sunburn, 34% had used tanning beds, and 69% reported having a tan in the last 12 months. Regular sunscreen use was reported by only half of the respondents. These findings emphasize the urgent need for culturally sensitive public health campaigns targeting sun safety practices within the LGBTQ+ community.
A comprehensive analysis of skin cancer concerns and protective practices in Manitoba, Canada, highlights lack of skin cancer awareness and predominance of high-risk sun exposure behaviors
The researchers conducted a cross-sectional survey using data from Manitoba’s Tomorrow Project to examine sun exposure behaviors and attitudes. They found that over 65% of participants reported a history of sunburns, more than 50% had used tanning beds, and fewer than 50% used sunscreen. These findings highlight critical gaps in sun protection practices and awareness, underscoring the urgent need for targeted public health interventions to reduce skin cancer rates.
Sex-Specific Associations of Aldosterone and Renin with Body Composition: A Population-Based Cohort Study
The researchers investigated the associations of aldosterone and renin with body composition according to sex in a population-based cohort. Using data from 3,687 adults aged 40-69 years enrolled in the CARTaGENE study, they found that among males, higher aldosterone and renin levels were linked to increased waist to hip ratio, increased fat mass, and decreased lean and muscle mass, while aldosterone specifically was also associated with increased ectopic cardiac adiposity. In contrast, among females higher renin, but not aldosterone, was associated with increased waist circumference, increased waist-to-hip ratio, and increased cardiac adiposity. Higher renin and aldosterone were associated with increased fat mass but were not associated with lean body mass or muscle mass.
Subclinical primary aldosteronism and cardiovascular health: a population-based cohort study
This study explores the impact of subclinical primary aldosteronism, a less recognized form of hypertension characterized by renin-independent aldosterone production, on cardiovascular health. With data from 1284 CARTaGENE participants, researchers found that a higher aldosterone-to-renin ratio, indicative of this condition, was associated with increased arterial stiffness, adverse cardiac remodeling, and higher odds of developing hypertension, independent of traditional blood pressure measures.
The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Canada: a time-series study, 2020-2023
This study used data from the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force, which includes CanPath data, to track the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the Canadian population over the pre-vaccination period, the vaccine rollout, and the emergence of the Omicron variant. By March 2023, over three-quarters of the population had detectable antibodies, with the most substantial increases seen after the arrival of the Omicron variant. However, variations in immunity by age and geography highlight the importance of tailoring public health policies and clinical decisions to local patterns of population immunity, considering factors like potential antibody decline and the emergence of new variants that might evade immunity.
Cohort Profile: The Ontario Health Study (OHS)
OHS’s cohort profile outlines its research platform’s history and value for the broader scientific community. OHS follows 225,000 over their lifetime, actively and passively, making de-identified genomic, environmental, lifestyle, and electronic health data available to cancer and chronic disease researchers.
Negative Association of Smoking History With Clinically Manifest Cardiac Sarcoidosis: A Case-Control Study
Researchers aimed to explore whether smoking was associated with a specific sarcoidosis phenotype, primarily in Caucasian patients with clinically manifest cardiac sarcoidosis (CS). Ontario Health Study participants’ data were used as controls, while the cases came from the Cardiac Sarcoidosis Multi-Center Prospective Cohort Study. They found a strong association between smoking history and clinically manifest CS, but more research is required to understand whether these associations have therapeutic potential.
Reduced Cognitive Assessment Scores Among Individuals With Magnetic Resonance Imaging–Detected Vascular Brain Injury
This study investigated if scores on a cognitive screen were lower in individuals with higher cardiovascular risk, and those with covert vascular brain injury. Among a middle-aged community-dwelling population, scores on a cognitive screen were lower in individuals with higher cardiovascular risk factors or MRI vascular brain injury. Much of the population attributable risk of low cognitive scores can be attributed to lower educational attainment, higher cardiovascular risk factors, and MRI vascular brain injury.