Rheumatoid arthritis-relevant DNA methylation changes identified in ACPA-positive asymptomatic individuals using methylome capture sequencing
They wanted to compare DNA methylation in subjects postivie/negative for anti-citrullinated protein antibodies which is a key marker for rheumatoid arthritis. They measured the DNA methylation of 137 subjects, 63 who were ACPA-positive, 66 were negative and 8 were self-reported with their rheumatoid arthritis.
Sleep and cancer incidence in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project cohort
This article looked at the relationship between cancer incidence and sleeping patterns. They found there was a correlation between sleep duration and cancer etiology
Physical Activity and Cancer Incidence in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project: Results from a Prospective Cohort of 26,538 Participants.
They were able to determine that a moderate to high level of physical activity could lead to a modest protection against the development of all cancer.
Diet quality is associated with reduced incidence of cancer and self-reported chronic disease: Observations from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project
This study looked at food quality and how it is associated with risk of cancer and chronic disease. There were 25169 participants enrolled and it was found that the better the diet quality, the lower the risk of cancer.
The Comparative Reliability and Feasibility of the Past-Year Canadian Diet History Questionnaire II: Comparison of the Paper and Web
This study looked at evaluating the intra-and inter-version reliability, feasability, and accetability of the Canadian Diet History Questionnaire II in a sub-sample of 648 adults. They were assigned either web or paper, 59% preferred the web version.
Alcohol consumption and low-risk drinking guidelines among adults: a cross-sectional analysis from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project
This article sought to determine how alcohol consumption affects the health of Alberta cohort participants and how it would be related to cancer prevention. They collected data from 26842 participants who self-reported. About 14% of men and 12% of women were over the recommened alcohol intake.Volume of consumption was positvely associated with current tobacco use in men and women. Many people drink despite the health risks, and lower drinking may reduce risks .
Rationale, design, and methods for Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort study (CAHHM) – a Pan Canadian cohort study
Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) is a pan-Canadian, prospective, multi-ethnic cohort study being conducted in Canada. This project has sed CPTP data to help and assist it. CAHHM is a prospective cohort study which aims to examine the health of adults living in Canada.
Leisure-Time Physical Activity Does not Attenuate the Association Between Occupational Sedentary Behavior and Obesity: Results From Alberta’s Tomorrow Project.
Using ATP data, this study determined that those in sedendary jobs are more at higher risk of obesity and was not attenuated by physical activity. Women did not show the same risk with sedendary behaviour.
Conditions Associated with Circulating Tumor-Associated Folate Receptor 1 Protein in Healthy Men and Women
This article examined how FOLR1 protein could potentially be way to detect early cancer. The team used electrochemical luminescence immunoassay. The study concluded that they should use caution when saying that serum FOLR1 can detect early cancer as there has not been a study with enough evidence to truly determine that.
Assessing SNP-SNP Interactions among DNA Repair, Modification and Metabolism Related Pathway Genes in Breast Cancer Susceptibility
Our results provide a framework for evaluating SNPs showing statistically weak but reproducible single-locus effects for epistatic effects contributing to disease susceptibility.