
Les publications qui suivent sont des exemples de recherches rendues possibles grâce aux données de CanPath et de ses cohortes régionales.


Investigating Skin Cancer Risk and Sun Safety Practices Among LGBTQ+ Communities in Canada

Auteurs : F. Lagacé, F. Mahmood, S. Conte, L. A. Mija, A. Moustaqim-Barrette, J. LeBeau, A. McKenna, M. Maazi, J. Hanna, A. S. V. Kelly, R. Lazarowitz, E. Rahme, T. J. Hrubeniuk, E. Sweeney, I. V. Litvinov,

The researchers conducted a national survey of 700 LGBTQ+ individuals to evaluate skin cancer risk factors, sun-protective behaviors, and related concerns. Some participants were recruited with the help of longitudinal cohorts, notably the Manitoba Tomorrow Project and Atlantic PATH. The researchers found that 60% reported over 10 lifetime sunburns, 58% experienced at least one blistering sunburn, 34% had used tanning beds, and 69% reported having a tan in the last 12 months. Regular sunscreen use was reported by only half of the respondents. These findings emphasize the urgent need for culturally sensitive public health campaigns targeting sun safety practices within the LGBTQ+ community.

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