
These publications are examples of research made possible with data from CanPath and its regional cohorts.


Understanding the translation of scientific knowledge about arsenic risk exposure among private well water users in Nova Scotia

Authors: Heather Chappells, Norma Campbell, John Drage, Conrad Fernandez, Louise Parker, Trevor Dummer

This article explored the knowledge of arsenic risk exposure among a well users in 5 areas of Nova Scotia assessed to be at risk of arsenic occurrence in groundwater. The risk ranged from low-high and was assessed over time. It was found that more women were at risk, where 71% of affected well-users were women. About 74% had a really good knowledge of the well water. A fair number of these people use their water as their drinking and 33% seemed confident the water was safe to drink.

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From consent to institutions: Designing adaptive governance for genomic biobanks

Authors: Kieran C.O’Doherty, Michael M.Burgess, KellyEdwards, Richard P.Gallagherd, Alice K.Hawkins, Jane Kayee VeronicaMcCaffrey David E.Winickoff

This paper outlined four principles regarding biobank governance: 1) recognizing participants as one entity 2) integrity 3) adaptive management 4) fit between the nature of a particular biobank and the specific structural elements of governance adopted. BC Generations was a working model for further discussion the outlines of the proposed governance.

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Cohorts and consortia conference: a summary report (Banff, Canada, June 17–19, 2009)

Authors: Paolo Boffetta, Graham Colditz, John Potter, Laurence Kolonel, Paula Robson, Reza Malekzadeh, Daniela Seminara, Ellen Goode, Keun-Young Yoo, Paul Demers, Richard Gallagher, Ross Prentice, Yutaka Yasui, Kieran O'Doherty, Gloria Petersen

This discussed how various cohort studies can build a strong network of research.

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