
These publications are examples of research made possible with data from CanPath and its regional cohorts.


Subclinical primary aldosteronism and cardiovascular health: a population-based cohort study

Authors: Gregory L Hundemer, Mohsen Agharazii, François Madore, Anand Vaidya, Jenifer M Brown, Alexander A Leung, Gregory A Kline, Eric Larose, Marie-Eve Piché, Andrew M Crean, Julie L V Shaw, Tim Ramsay, Bernhard Hametner, Siegfried Wassertheurer, Manish M Sood, Swapnil Hiremath, Marcel Ruzicka, Rémi Goupil

This study explores the impact of subclinical primary aldosteronism, a less recognized form of hypertension characterized by renin-independent aldosterone production, on cardiovascular health. With data from 1284 CARTaGENE participants, researchers found that a higher aldosterone-to-renin ratio, indicative of this condition, was associated with increased arterial stiffness, adverse cardiac remodeling, and higher odds of developing hypertension, independent of traditional blood pressure measures.

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Factors associated with mental health service use during the pandemic: Initiation and barriers

Authors: Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Jessica Spagnolo, Marie-Josée Fleury, Jean-Philippe Gouin, Pasquale Roberge, Mary Bartram, Sébastien Grenier, Grace Shen-Tu, Jennifer E. Vena, JianLi Wang

This study aimed to understand the factors associated with initiating new mental health service use (MHSU) during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as distinguishing between different reasons for not seeking mental health services. The research found that several factors influenced MHSU, such as age, living situation, income, and health professional status. The study suggests the need for awareness campaigns targeting older adults to explain the importance of seeking treatment and for sensitizing health professionals to facilitate access to mental health care for individuals at risk of social isolation and lower socioeconomic status.

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Impact of successive office blood pressure measurements during a single visit on cardiovascular risk prediction: analysis of CARTaGENE

Authors: Louis-Charles Desbiens, Annie-Claire Nadeau-Fredette, François Madore, Mohsen Agharazii, Rémi Goupil

The researchers sought to assess the long-term impact of multiple office blood pressure (BP) readings and whether they improve cardiovascular risk prediction. Using data from CARTaGENE participants, they found that cardiovascular risk prediction is improved by successive office systolic BP values, especially when the first reading is discarded. These findings reinforce the necessity of using multiple office BP readings.

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Provincial variation in colorectal cancer screening adherence in Canada; evidence from the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health

Authors: Maryam Darvishian, Amina Moustaqim-Barrette, Philip Awadalla, Parveen Bhatti, Philippe Broet, Kelly McDonald, Rachel A. Murphy, Kimberly Skead, Robin Urquhart, Jennifer Vena, Trevor J. B. Dummer

The researchers sought to assess regional variation in screening uptake, identify factors to non-adherence to screening, and estimate adherence to screening in those with differing risk profiles. Using national CanPath data, they found adherence suboptimal amongst Canadians and noticed variation by region.

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Mental health service use and associated predisposing, enabling and need factors in community living adults and older adults across Canada

Authors: Helen-Maria Vasiliadis, Jessica Spagnolo, Marie-Josée Fleury, Jean-Philippe Gouin, Pasquale Roberge, Mary Bartram, Sébastien Grenier, Grace Shen-Tu, Jennifer E. Vena, JianLi Wang

The authors utilized data from the CanPath COVID-19 health survey (May to December 2020) to conduct multivariate logistic regression analysis to determine the association between mental health service use (MHSU) and predisposing, enabling, and need factors — derived from Andersen’s model of healthcare-seeking behaviour — among five regional cohorts. Among the 45,542 adults in the study population, 6.3% of respondents reported MHSU and need factors were consistently associated with MHSU.

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Evaluation of the accuracy of the PLCOm2012 6-year lung cancer risk prediction model among smokers in the CARTaGENE population-based cohort

Authors: Rodolphe Jantzen, Nicole Ezer, Sophie Camilleri-Broët, Martin C. Tammemägi, Philippe Broët

This study aimed to validate a tool to predict lung cancer risk using data from CARTaGENE participants. It showed good accuracy in identifying lung cancer risk but underestimated the number of cases. This tool may require calibration adjustments for the Quebec population.

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Genetic analyses of DNA repair pathway associated genes implicate new candidate cancer predisposing genes in ancestrally defined ovarian cancer cases

Authors: Wejdan M Alenezi, Caitlin T Fierheller, Corinne Serruya, Timothée Revil, Kathleen K Oros, Deepak N Subramanian, Jeffrey Bruce, Dan Spiegelman, Trevor Pugh, Ian G Campbell, Anne-Marie Mes-Masson, Diane Provencher, William D Foulkes, Zaki El Haffaf, Guy Rouleau, Luigi Bouchard, Celia M T Greenwood, Jiannis Ragoussis, Patricia N Tonin

Researchers investigated families with a history of ovarian cancer that couldn’t be explained by known genetic risk factors. Using healthy controls from CARTaGENE, they applied a targeted gene approach and found rare genetic variants in DNA repair pathway genes, particularly in ERCC5, EXO1, FANCC, NEIL1, and NTHL1, in a significant portion of these families.

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Circulating microRNA expression signatures accurately discriminate myalgic encephalomyelitis from fibromyalgia and comorbid conditions

Authors: Evguenia Nepotchatykh, Iurie Caraus, Wesam Elremaly, Corinne Leveau, Mohamed Elbakry, Christian Godbout, Bita Rostami-Afshari, Diana Petre, Nasrin Khatami, Anita Franco, Alain Moreau

Researchers examined the levels of 11 specific molecules called miRNAs in individuals with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), and those with both conditions (ME/CFS + FM), as well as in healthy controls. Using samples from 38 CARTaGENE participants and other sources, they found distinct patterns of these miRNAs that can help differentiate between ME/CFS, FM, and ME/CFS + FM, indicating that these miRNAs could serve as potential biomarkers to aid in the accurate diagnosis of these complex illnesses.

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Food environment trajectories: a sequence analysis from the CARTaGENE cohort

Authors: Habila Adamou, Éric Robitaille, Marie-Claude Paquette, Alexandre Lebel

Researchers sought to categorize how people’s access to food changes over time based on their socioeconomic situations. Using data from 38,627 CARTaGENE participants from urban areas in Quebec, the findings revealed five patterns of food access, with those unable to work, living in larger households, and in low-income households having higher odds of experiencing limited access to food stores over time.

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Molecular Genetic Characteristics of FANCI, a Proposed New Ovarian Cancer Predisposing Gene

Authors: Caitlin T Fierheller, Wejdan M Alenezi, Corinne Serruya, Timothée Revil, Setor Amuzu, Karine Bedard, Deepak N Subramanian, Eleanor Fewings, Jeffrey P Bruce, Stephenie Prokopec, Luigi Bouchard, Diane Provencher, William D Foulkes, Zaki El Haffaf, Anne-Marie Mes-Masson, Marc Tischkowitz, Ian G Campbell, Trevor J Pugh, Celia M T Greenwood, Jiannis Ragoussis, Patricia N Tonin

Researchers investigated the genetic characteristics of the FANCI gene, which has been linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Using data from 171 CARTaGENE participants and other sources, they confirmed that a specific FANCI variant is associated with ovarian cancer and discovered potential genetic links to other cancer types.

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