The effect of different methods to identify, and scenarios used to address energy intake misestimation on dietary patterns derived by cluster analysis
This study used self-reported food frequency and physical activity data from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project participants to compare the revised-Goldberg and the predicted total energy expenditure methods in their ability to identify misreporters of energy intake.
Impact of adherence to cancer-specific prevention recommendations on subsequent risk of cancer in participants in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project.
This study wanted to see if cancer-specific recommendations actually prevented cancer. They found that those who adhered to said recommendations saw lower risk of develop cancer over time.
The Comparative Reliability and Feasibility of the Past-Year Canadian Diet History Questionnaire II: Comparison of the Paper and Web
This study looked at evaluating the intra-and inter-version reliability, feasability, and accetability of the Canadian Diet History Questionnaire II in a sub-sample of 648 adults. They were assigned either web or paper, 59% preferred the web version.
Lessons from Studies to Evaluate an Online 24-Hour Recall for Use with Children and Adults in Canada
This team looked at the Automated Self-Administered 24-h assessment tool and looked at 5 studies that looked at feasibility and accessibility There was a high acceptance of ADA24 in diverse samples but it was not always intuitive for everyone (kids and older adults).