Fracture status in middle-aged individuals with early CKD: cross-sectional analysis of the CARTaGENE survey
In this cross-sectional analysis, the study team determined that CKD was not correlated with increase fractures, was not a modification factor between calcaneal QUS and fracture, but modified the association between clinical, pharmacological parameters and fracture.
Community Engagement in Genetic Research: Results of the First Public Consultation for the Quebec CARTaGENE Project
This article showed how beneficial CARTaGENE’s data would be, but with the caveat that the confidentiality of the participants must be acknowledged and taken into account.
Rationale, design, and methods for Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort study (CAHHM) – a Pan Canadian cohort study
Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) is a pan-Canadian, prospective, multi-ethnic cohort study being conducted in Canada. This project has sed CPTP data to help and assist it. CAHHM is a prospective cohort study which aims to examine the health of adults living in Canada.
Dietary assessment is a critical element of health research – Perspective from the Partnership for Advancing Nutritional and Dietary Assessment in Canada
This was an opinion based paper which argued that while assessing dietary intakes is difficult, it`s not impossible. They believe that building capacity and funding opportunities should be readily available in order to build research. If they were to have these, there would be better understanding in Canada and elsewhere.