Neighborhood greenspace and health in a large urban center
This study focused on self-reported mental health study looked at the density of trees/green spaces in various neighbourhoods in Toronto. Those that had more trees reported that they were happier and felt better about their mental health.
The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project: building a pan-Canadian research platform for disease prevention
This article outlines the challenges a pan-Canadian cohort to look at cancer and chronic disease. The hope of this cohort will be that it could be a major research platform for the study of disease causation nationally, and internationally. They outlined how they got their participants, which provinces are involved, and how this specific cohort is unique.
Quality, quantity and harmony: the DataSHaPER approach to integrating data across bioclinical studies
The DataSHaPER is being used with CPTP to integrate their data in a way that it can easily be harmonized and pooled together.