What is the role of obesity in the aetiology of arsenic-related disease?
They took a large number of samples from people in Nova Scotia and determined that those who were obese had lower levels of arsenic concentrations in their bodies. The samples were taken from 960 people aged 35-60 between 2009-2010. Dietary patterns were also assessed along with drinking water.
Understanding the translation of scientific knowledge about arsenic risk exposure among private well water users in Nova Scotia
This article explored the knowledge of arsenic risk exposure among a well users in 5 areas of Nova Scotia assessed to be at risk of arsenic occurrence in groundwater. The risk ranged from low-high and was assessed over time. It was found that more women were at risk, where 71% of affected well-users were women. About 74% had a really good knowledge of the well water. A fair number of these people use their water as their drinking and 33% seemed confident the water was safe to drink.
Relationship between drinking water and toenail arsenic concentrations among a cohort of Nova Scotians
They evaluated the relationship between arsenic concentrations in drinking water and toenail clippings among a cohort of Nova Scotians. A total of 960 men and women aged 35 to 69 years provided home drinking water and toenail clipping sample. They determined that those who were obese had lower concentrations of arsenic in their bodies than those in normal weight ranges.
The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project: building a pan-Canadian research platform for disease prevention
This article outlines the challenges a pan-Canadian cohort to look at cancer and chronic disease. The hope of this cohort will be that it could be a major research platform for the study of disease causation nationally, and internationally. They outlined how they got their participants, which provinces are involved, and how this specific cohort is unique.
Quality, quantity and harmony: the DataSHaPER approach to integrating data across bioclinical studies
The DataSHaPER is being used with CPTP to integrate their data in a way that it can easily be harmonized and pooled together.