Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “breast cancer”
Assessing SNP-SNP Interactions among DNA Repair, Modification and Metabolism Related Pathway Genes in Breast Cancer Susceptibility
Investigating the causal role of MRE11A p.E506* in breast and ovarian cancer
This study investigated if MRE11A is a true predisposition gene for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Investigations suggested that the identified variant is not associated with an increased risk of…
Toenail arsenic species and metallome profiles associated with breast, cervical, prostate, and skin cancer prevalence in the Atlantic Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health cohort
…characterize the profiles of arsenic species and metallome in the toenails of four cancer groups, compare them to healthy participants, and assess potential associations between the profiles with cancer prevalence….
Towards refining World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research cancer prevention recommendations for red and processed meat intake: insights from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project cohort
…Tomorrow Project cohort of 26 218 adults who reported dietary intake using the Canadian Diet History Questionnaire. Incidence of cancer was obtained through data linkage with the Alberta Cancer Registry….
Diet Quality among Cancer Survivors and Participants without Cancer: A Population-Based, Cross-Sectional Study in the Atlantic Partnership for Tomorrow's Health Project
This study investigated the diet quality of cancer survivors relative to participants without cancer, overall and by cancer site and time from diagnosis. It found that there was considerable room…
Genetic analyses of DNA repair pathway associated genes implicate new candidate cancer predisposing genes in ancestrally defined ovarian cancer cases
Researchers investigated families with a history of ovarian cancer that couldn’t be explained by known genetic risk factors. Using healthy controls from CARTaGENE, they applied a targeted gene approach and…
Metabolic profiling of adherence to diet, physical activity and body size recommendations for cancer prevention
This study examined cross-sectional associations between metabolites and cancer preventive behaviors as well as the relevance to cancer-related pathways among 120 participants with no history of smoking or cancer. Cancer…
Impact of adherence to cancer-specific prevention recommendations on subsequent risk of cancer in participants in Alberta's Tomorrow Project.
This study wanted to see if cancer-specific recommendations actually prevented cancer. They found that those who adhered to said recommendations saw lower risk of develop cancer over time….
Perceived susceptibility to developing cancer and screening for colorectal and prostate cancer: A longitudinal analysis of Alberta's Tomorrow Project
…and prostate-specific antigen. Findings suggest health promotion can focus on targeting and heightening personal perceived susceptibility of developing cancer in jurisdictions with low screening rates for colorectal or prostate cancer….
Harnessing the power of data linkage to enrich the cancer research ecosystem in Canada
…address concerns related to the accessibility of cancer data in Canada, bring more value to existing data, and support an enhanced understanding of the impacts of cancer on marginalized populations….