Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “breast cancer”

Investigating the oral microbiome in retrospective and prospective cases of prostate, colon, and breast cancer

Salivary samples from the Atlantic Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (PATH) project and Alberta’s Tomorrow Project (ATP) to examine the existence of prostate, colon, and breast cancer biomarkers in the human…


Potential novel candidate polymorphisms identified in genome-wide association study for breast cancer susceptibility

…doing the two stages they were able to identify various genetic regions and the SNPs discssed could serve as a potential candidate loci for breast cancer in another replication study….


Identification of a Breast Cancer Susceptibility Locus at 4q31.22 Using a Genome-Wide Association Study Paradigm

…prognostic variants across studies. All SNP associations reported with breast cancer were also adjusted for body mass index (BMI). We report a strong association with 4q31.22-rs1429142 (combined per allele odds…


Breast cancer prediction using genome wide single nucleotide polymorphism data

These researchers studied 696 female participants and used an SNC model to determine whether a new subject would develop breast cancer or not….


Exome Sequencing in BRCA1- and BRCA2-Negative Greek Families Identifies MDM1 and NBEAL1 as Candidate Risk Genes for Hereditary Breast Cancer.

This study used CARTaGENE control data to find there relationship between the BRAC1-2 genes and breast cancer


The association between religiosity, spirituality, and breast cancer screening: A cross-sectional analysis of Alberta's Tomorrow Project

Researchers explored data from 2,569 ATP participants regarding religiosity, spirituality, and breast cancer screening. They found that greater religiosity and spirituality salience were unrelated to mammogram receipt. However, they suggest…


Pre-diagnosis lifestyle, health history and psychosocial factors associated with stage at breast cancer diagnosis - Potential targets to shift stage earlier

This study aimed to examine associations between risk factors for breast cancer diagnosis, prior to and and at diagnosis. Some protective factors include older age at diagnosis, high household income,…


Personalized breast cancer onset prediction from lifestyle and health history information

This article proposes a method for predicting when a woman will develop breast cancer (Bca) based on health and lifestyle history using data from 18,288 women in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project….


Patterns and predictors of adherence to breast cancer screening recommendations in Alberta's Tomorrow Project


A Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify Potential Germline Copy Number Variants for Sporadic Breast Cancer Susceptibility
