Dr. John McLaughlin
Executive Director, CanPath
Email: john.mclaughlin@utoronto.ca

Dr. John McLaughlin returned to CanPath as Executive Director in 2018, after being one of the founding directors who launched the initiative more than a decade ago. He is a Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health and, as CanPath’s Executive Director, he leads the National Coordinating Centre based at U of T. John is a senior leader with experience across Canada’s public health and health-care systems providing advice on strategic opportunities, emerging trends and partnerships to advance population health through applied research. He has more than three decades of experience in leading interdisciplinary health research teams, as well as in executive level management, knowledge translation, scholarly work and service. His research programs integrate diverse approaches and disciplines in large-scale studies, aiming to improve disease prevention and health promotion. John recently retired as Chief Science Officer and Senior Scientist at Public Health Ontario, and he has previously served as Senior Visiting Scientist at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Vice President and Senior Scientist at Cancer Care Ontario, and Founding Director of the Ontario Health Study at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. Trained as an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto (PhD) and Queen’s University (MSc), he has directed a sustained research program resulting in more than 300 scholarly publications.