Résultats de recherche Affichage de 10 résultats sur 10 pour “bernatsky and arthritis”
Safety immUnogenicity of Covid-19 vaCcines in systEmic immunE mediated inflammatory Diseases (SUCCEED)
…arthritis, spondyloarthritis, other rheumatic diseases (e.g., vasculitis and systemic lupus erythematosus), inflammatory bowel disease, or psoriasis were excluded from the original studies, so it is not clear how effective the…
CanPath Announces its 2023-2027 Strategic Plan
…linking CanPath data with data from provincial data holders and registries and collecting more longitudinal data Transform the cohort by turning existing biosamples into data, collecting serial biosamples, and enhancing…
Marc André Sirois
…and I was asked to participate in a sleep study. I wore the monitor and after one month, I received some bad results. Bad sleeping habits can negatively touch your…
Aperçu des participants
Aperçu des participants Comprendre les caractéristiques sociales, économiques et de santé uniques des participants à CanPath et comment ces renseignements sont recueillis aux fins de la recherche. Veuillez noter que…
Cohort Profile: The British Columbia Generations Project
…and uterine carcinomas and cutaneous melanoma were the cancers with the highest incidences among British Columbian women aged 35–69 years. Prostate, lung, colorectal and bladder carcinomas and cutaneous melanoma were…
Addressing dispersion in mis-measured multivariate binomial outcomes: A novel statistical approach for detecting differentially methylated regions in bisulfite sequencing data
The researchers investigated the association between DNA methylation and levels of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA), a preclinical marker for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) risk, using asymptomatic samples from the CARTaGENE cohort….
PATH & CPTP Update: How the data and biosamples provided by CPTP participants are helping researchers understand the causes of cancer and chronic disease
…how the data will be used by researchers. Specific examples of the research being conducted at Atlantic PATH included arthritis, multiple sclerosis, obesity, and physical activity and self-rated health. https://www.youtube.com/embed/60zRQL3LpYQ…
CanPath Synthetic Dataset
…lifestyle and behaviour (e.g. tobacco use, alcohol use, nutrition), perception of health, and select self-reported diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis, and first cancer. CANUE Environmental Exposure Variables It…
Participant Snapshot
Participant Snapshot Understand the unique social, economic and health characteristics of CanPath participants and how this information is captured for research. Please note the following infographic includes participant data collected…
Agreement in the CARTaGENE cohort between self-reported medication use and claim data
L’équipe de recherche a étudié la concordance entre l’utilisation autodéclarée de médicaments dans les données de base de CARTaGENE et les dossiers d’assurance maladie de la province. Dans l’ensemble on a observé une concordance raisonnable entre les deux sources de données, mais des variations importantes ont été constatées pour les différentes classes de médicaments.