Person working at laptop

CanPath’s cost recovery access fees model partially recovers expenses associated with the access process, including administrative costs related to reviewing applications, executing agreements, and retrieving and processing data and biospecimens for release. CanPath applies tiered pricing to suit the different budgets of students, early-career researchers and established researchers.

Cost Recovery Access Fees are provided for informational purposes only and are subject to regular review. Researchers interested in submitting grant applications are encouraged to contact and/or complete a Cost Estimate Request Form and submit it via email to

The following cost recovery access fees apply to applications for data only. Applicants seeking access to biosamples are invited to complete a Cost Estimate Request Form and submit it by email to Information on CanPath’s available biosamples can be found on the Portal.


The table below reflects the application submission and cost recovery access fees for academic researchers*. If you are seeking CanPath data and/or biosamples for an industry project**, please review CanPath’s Industry Policy and contact

A complete list of available CanPath harmonized datasets is available on the CanPath Portal. Each harmonized dataset includes data from multiple regional cohorts, which may vary by dataset and variable. For example, the Baseline Health and Risk Factor Questionnaire currently contains data from 5 cohorts described under “Individual Studies Included.” The “Harmonization Section” indicates which datasets were harmonized.

A standard $500 Application Submission Fee applies to all data access applications.

A $190/hr Miscellaneous Fee is added for preparing customized complex datasets exceeding 10 hours to prepare. Each access application will be assessed on a project-by-project basis.

The following cost recovery access fee structure applies to all datasets except the COVID-19 and CANUE Datasets (see notes below). All fees are in Canadian dollars ($CDN) and are subject to regular review.

Cost for the first datasetCost for each subsequent dataset
Early-Career Researcher†
Canadian Institution
Early-Career Researcher†
Non-Canadian Institution
Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Fellow ⱡ $250$190

*Academic researchers are based at a university or research institution who may receive funding from various sources, including government, non-profit, and the private sector. Please note that academic researchers seeking to conduct a CanPath study funded by industry may be considered an industry application. Please contact the Access Office.

**Industry represents a broad range of sectors, usually private, which are involved in some form of commerce to make a profit or support a business.

† Early Career Researcher, as defined by CIHR, is a researcher who, at the time of application, has held a full-time, independent research appointment for 0 to 5 years (60 months).

ⱡ Graduate students (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) are enrolled for their degree at a university who wish to obtain access to CanPath data for the sole purpose of supporting their thesis work. Postdoctoral fellows continuing their training at a university and using the data for the sole purpose of their postdoctoral project are eligible to receive graduate student pricing. Note: A $190/hr Miscellaneous Fee is added for preparing customized complex datasets exceeding 10 hours to prepare. Each access application will be assessed on a project-by-project basis.

COVID-19 Datasets

On April 21, 2020, CanPath launched its COVID-19 Initiatives to support national COVID-19-related research activities. The following COVID-19 datasets are free to researchers:

  1. CanPath’s 2020 COVID-19 Questionnaire (487 Variables) is free when conducting COVID-19 research, else the standard CanPath dataset fee applies.
  2. COVID-19 Antibody sub-study datasets:

CANUE Datasets (Environmental Exposure Data)

The Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium (CANUE) collates and generates standardized area-level data on environmental exposure and socioeconomic conditions. CANUE datasets have been merged with the CanPath Baseline and Follow up harmonized datasets using participants’ 6-digit residential postal codes (note – postal codes are not disclosed; only the environmental data is disclosed for research). 

As outlined in the CANUE third-party agreement, researchers accessing CANUE data must be affiliated with an Academic Institution participating in the SMART Consortium Agreement.

CANUE data is available at no cost. A data preparation fee at the Miscellaneous Fee Rate is added for preparing the dataset.

Regional Datasets

Seven regional cohorts across ten provinces comprise CanPath’s pan-Canadian partnership. Each cohort houses additional regional datasets which may be available for access. More information is available on the Regional Cohorts’ websites. Regional datasets may be requested within your CanPath application. Regional data access fees apply.

Linked Administrative Health Data

Access to provincial administrative health data is outside the scope of the CanPath Access Process and may incur additional costs. However, we work with a number of provincial data custodians to support projects looking to use CanPath data along with administrative health data. Please contact for more information.