Webinar: Exploration of the role of occupational exposures in cancer etiology among participants in the CanPath Study

About the Webinar:
For many cancers, much of what we know about modifiable risk factors stems from occupational epidemiology. Occupational cohorts of miners, production workers and others have functioned for decades as “canaries in the coal mine” for identifying carcinogenic agents. This webinar provided a portrait of common occupational exposures experienced by CanPath participants derived from linkage of occupational information to the Canadian Job Exposure Matrix (CANJEM). Ongoing initiatives from Dr. Ho’s research program are highlighted as illustrative examples.
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About the Presenter: Dr. Vikki Ho

Dr. Vikki Ho is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine in the School of Public Health (ESPUM) at the University of Montreal and a Researcher at the affiliated Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM). She is a cancer epidemiologist funded by the Cancer Research Society – Prevention Group in Environment-Cancer Program with expertise in investigating the role of environmental, lifestyle, occupational and individual susceptibility factors in cancer etiology. Dr. Ho holds a Chair in Sex and Gender Sciences in Cancer Research from the Institutes of Health Research.