The Partnership opens search for a Lead Partner and Scientific Home for the CPTP

The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP) – Canada’s largest population health research platform – launched its research portal in 2015. This notable achievement provides researchers from around the globe with access to data from more than 300,000 Canadians and the opportunity to better understand the causes of cancer and other chronic diseases.
Since 2008, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer has played a key leadership role in building CPTP. The project’s National Coordinating Centre is based at the Partnership and works with the regional participating cohorts to oversee its operational activities.
With a substantial national cohort in place, CPTP is in a more science-driven phase of activity that requires a Lead Partner and Scientific Home to provide scientific leadership, long-term support for the project and to collaborate with the Partnership as an ongoing Supporting Partner. To this end, the Partnership is inviting academic or research institutions to submit an Expression of Interest to house the platform and drive the scientific agenda of the project.
To learn more about this opportunity, download the Expression of Interest document from our Procurement page.