Dr. Guillaume Lettre
Co-Scientific Director of CARTaGENE

Dr Guillaume Lettre is an Associate professor of Medicine at the Montreal Heart Institute and the Université de Montréal since January 2009. He holds a Canada Research Chair in Complex Trait Genetics since November 2010. He obtained his PhD in Developmental Genetics from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, in 2005.
The lab is interested in the genetics of complex traits and common diseases in humans. Based at the Montreal Heart Institute, we aim to identify genetic variation that influences cardiovascular and hematological disease risk using high-throughput DNA genotyping and sequencing technologies, together with state-of-the-art computational and bioinformatics approaches. We are also combining our genetic discoveries with functional characterization largely based on genome editing methods (e.g. CRISPR/Cas9) to gain molecular and mechanistic insights into disease pathophysiology.