CanPath and Regional Cohorts at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference (CCRC)

Posted November 1, 2023

Logos for the Canadian Cancer Research Conference, the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance, and CanPath
November 11, 2023
Halifax Convention Centre

CanPath and its regional cohorts are gearing up for the Canadian Cancer Research Conference in Halifax from November 11–14. This conference, hosted by the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance, brings together researchers from all across the Canadian cancer research spectrum.

Come meet staff and researchers from the CanPath National Coordinating Centre and the regional cohorts, including Atlantic PATH, CARTaGENE (Quebec), the Ontario Health Study, the Manitoba Tomorrow ProjectAlberta’s Tomorrow Project, and the BC Generations Project.  

Stay tuned over the coming weeks as we unveil where and how you can connect with CanPath and the regional cohort representatives at the conference. From captivating plenary sessions to engaging concurrent and lightning talks, not to mention awe-inspiring poster presentations – we’ve got it all covered. Plus, we’ll introduce you to the brilliant researchers who have harnessed the power of CanPath and the regional cohorts’ data and biological samples to drive groundbreaking discoveries.

Get ready to be a part of something extraordinary at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference. The countdown begins now, and we can’t wait to see you there!