CPTP is now CanPath

The Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP) is now CanPath, the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health.
This change is the result of extensive consultation with scientific leadership, funders, regional cohorts, participants and the National Strategic Advisory Council, in a national branding exercise that culminated on March 16, 2020.
“Our Leadership Team carefully considered how the CPTP name represented the important work that we all do. We concluded that the CPTP name wasn’t working and there was strong support to change it,” said Professor Philip Awadalla, Scientific Director of CanPath.
In addition to launching CanPath as the platform’s new identity, a brand promise or tagline of Everyone Counts, was introduced. This promise is both a nod to counting data, but also that everyone — participants, scientists and partners — matters.
Together, this brand identity aims to continue to inspire scientists and trainees to use the platform, increase participant engagement and support the next generation of sustainable funding.
“Now more than ever it is critical for health professionals and researchers, as well as the platform, to maintain, sustain and adapt to global challenges,” said Professor John McLaughlin, Executive Director of CanPath and Professor of Epidemiology at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.
In the coming weeks, CanPath will publish CanPath News, its first scientific newsletter with a quarterly round-up of the latest news, events, webinars, publications and more.
“As Canada’s largest population health cohort and a gateway platform to data worldwide, we are excited to carry the torch lit by our founder and national funder, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer,” said Awadalla, who is also a Professor of Epidemiology at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and Director of Computational Biology and Senior Investigator at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. He also serves as Executive Scientific Director of the Ontario Health Study.
“Together with our host organizations, the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, we will continue pursuing our shared vision of a healthier Canada as we enter an exciting new phase as CanPath.”
The CanPath Leadership Team would like to thank all members of the community for their continued support. We encourage you to reach out anytime at: info@canpath.ca, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.