CanPath is based at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health. The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) hosts the data in a safe and secure environment.
Supporting Partners
CanPath is supported by the following partners:

Supporting Institutions
The following institutions have provided in-kind support, and host CanPath’s regional cohorts:
- Alberta Health Services
- BC Cancer
- CancerCare Manitoba
- Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Sainte-Justine
- Dalhousie University
- Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
- Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
For inquiries about how to support CanPath, please contact

Support the CanPath Fund
The CanPath Fund supports the activities of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath). By studying the biology, behaviours, and environments of over 300,000 Canadians for many years, CanPath is revealing hidden causes of common and rare chronic diseases and cancer. Established over a decade ago, the contributions of our participants are already enabling researchers to discover insights and breakthroughs in treatment, early detection, and prevention. By working together, we can enhance and accelerate research for a healthier Canada and a world without chronic disease and cancer.