Dr. Robin Urquhart
Scientific Director, Atlantic PATH

Dr. Robin Urquhart joined CanPath in 2021 as Scientific Director of the Atlantic Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (Atlantic PATH).
Dr. Urquhart is an Associate Professor and Canadian Cancer Society Endowed Chair in Population Cancer Research in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, with cross-appointments in the Department of Surgery and Division of Medical Education at Dalhousie University. She is a Senior Scientist with the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute and an Affiliate Scientist at Nova Scotia Health. Dr. Urquhart is also the Nova Scotia Lead for the Terry Fox Research Institute Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network.
Dr. Urquhart is a health services researcher and implementation scientist. Spanning the entire cancer continuum, from primary prevention to survivorship and end-of-life care, her research examines issues related to access, quality, equity, and effectiveness in cancer care and control, and investigates ways to improve care delivery and resultant patient, family, population, and health system outcomes.