CanPath Access Office Hours featuring HDRN Canada’s Data Access Support Hub (DASH)

About the office hours
Join the CanPath Access Office and HDRN Canada’s Data Access Support Hub (DASH) to learn how to leverage comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional health data for your research.
Members of the Access Office and DASH will be available to answer questions:
- Nouar Elkhair, CanPath Access Officer
- Sheraz Cheema, CanPath Data Manager
- Treena McDonald, CanPath Biosamples Coordinator
- Joanna Ou, DASH Coordinator
Learning objectives
- Understand how access to high-quality, multi-jurisdictional data can enhance the accuracy and reliability of research outcomes.
- Learn about the letters of support available for grant applications from HDRN Canada and CanPath.
- Discover the resources available to navigate the data access process.
- Explore how DASH can help overcome the challenges of working with multi-regional data.
The “Access Office Hours” series offers quarterly opportunities to ask questions about CanPath data, biosamples, the access process, or the CanPath Portal.
This seminar will be hosted in English. If you need support in French, please connect with us at