Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “cancer du sein”
Cancer early detection and classification using methylome analysis of cell-free DNA
…cancer diagnosis. Due to the low incidence of pancreatic cancers, additional samples are required to validate our ability to predict pancreatic cancer and investigate our predictive potential for lung cancer….
Quantifier le fardeau de l’incidence du cancer attribuable au mode de vie et à l’environnement au Canada – Projet sur le risque attribuable pour le cancer dans la population canadienne (ComPARe)
…facteurs de risque n’a pas entraîné de baisse de l’incidence du cancer au Canada. L’absence de changement pourrait être imputable à une sensibilisation insuffisante des Canadiens aux causes modifiables du…
Quantifying the Cancer Incidence Burden due to Lifestyle and Environment in Canada - The Canadian Population Attributable Risk of Cancer Project (ComPARe)
…change could be due to inadequate awareness among Canadians about the modifiable causes of cancer, and population-based cancer prevention strategies based on outdated information. To improve on this, we are…
Le plus imposant projet de recherche sur la santé jamais entrepris en Colombie-Britannique et dont les générations futures bénéficieront
…par la BC Cancer Agency et ses promoteurs sont la BC Cancer Foundation, la Société canadienne du cancer – division de la C.-B. et du Yukon, la Fondation des maladies…
Canadians helping to answer challenging questions about the causes of cancer
…funders including the BC Cancer Foundation, Alberta Cancer Foundation, the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and Genome Quebec. Learn more about the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project by visiting….
Dr. Jennifer Vena and Dr. Rachel Murphy at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference
…to Canada’s Food Guide and how it could be used for cancer prevention research. Posters will be up for the duration of the conference and during viewing sessions on Sunday,…
Les Canadiens aident à trouver des réponses à des questions difficiles concernant les causes du cancer
…bailleurs de fonds régionaux, notamment la BC Cancer Foundation, l’Alberta Cancer Foundation, l’Ontario Institute for Cancer Research et Génome Québec. Pour en apprendre davantage au sujet du projet de partenariat…
Researcher Feature: Ace Chan
…changes in cancer risk factors from community members, through interviews with GM people. How might your research findings contribute to the existing knowledge on cancer prevention among GM people? How…
Dre Jennifer Vena et Dre Rachel Murphy à la Conférence canadienne sur la recherche sur le cancer
…est directrice scientifique du projet Alberta Tomorrow et chercheuse à CancerControl Alberta avec Alberta Health Services. Ses recherches portent sur les comportements liés au mode de vie et la prévention…
Investigating the Roles of Radon Exposure, Air Pollution, and Diet on Lung Cancer Risk in the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project
Lung cancer is the most common cancer among Canadians, accounting for 14% of all new cases and 26% of all deaths. The lung cancer five-year survival rate is among the…