Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “cancer du sein”

Évaluation de la valeur des données des donneurs de sang aux fins de la surveillance de la santé publique

…des niveaux d’immunité au sein d’une population pratique comme les donneurs de sang puisse être mise en œuvre rapidement et à moindre coût, certains sous-groupes de la population peuvent être…


Direction et gouvernance

…directeurs scientifiques et des chefs des opérations de chaque cohorte régionale, du directeur exécutif de CanPath, du président du Comité permanent des questions éthiques, juridiques et sociales, du président du


Canada's research community working together to answer questions about the development of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases

…Heather Bryant, Vice-President of Cancer Control at the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. “We are grateful to the growing number of Canadians who are voluntarily contributing information about their health and…


Harnessing the power of data linkage to enrich the cancer research ecosystem in Canada

…address concerns related to the accessibility of cancer data in Canada, bring more value to existing data, and support an enhanced understanding of the impacts of cancer on marginalized populations….


Personalized Risk Assessment for Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Generating Canadian Risk Estimates

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer death in Canadian women. A woman faces a one in eight chance of developing the disease in…


Dr. Robin Urquhart at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference

Cancer Society Endowed Chair in Population Cancer Research in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, with cross-appointments in the Department of Surgery and Division of Medical Education at Dalhousie…


CanPath at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference Community Event

CanPath and Atlantic PATH are excited to participate in the upcoming Canadian Cancer Research Conference Community Event, “Cancer: Prevention, Treatment & You.” Our team members are looking forward to meeting…


Epidemiological risk model to inform targeted prevention strategies in endometrial cancer

…gender variations and environmental exposures, may also contribute to endometrial cancer risk. Other health conditions are known to contribute to endometrial cancer, but their causal relationships have not been fully…


Le Projet de partenariat canadien Espoir pour demain (PPCED) : une plateforme en émergence pour la santé de précision

…biais d’une procédure de demande d’accès afin d’appuyer une vaste gamme de recherches sur les causes du cancer et d’autres maladies chroniques. The Cross-Cohort Harmonization Project for Tomorrow Étude du


Dr. John Lewis at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference

…prostate cancer research, and the Lewis Lab utilizes real-time intravital imaging of the tumour microenvironment to learn about the critical steps of cancer progression, including the growth of new blood…
