Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “breast cancer”
Des patients partenaires et des chercheurs ouvrent la voie à un avenir sans cancer
…Halifax pour assister à la Conférence canadienne sur la recherche sur le cancer. Lors de la séance simultanée de CanPath, Pauline a partagé l’histoire de son cancer. « Tout d’abord,…
Dr. Philip Awadalla represents CanPath at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference
…Calgary) speaking about risk factors for early-onset colorectal cancer; Dr. Samina Abidi (Dalhousie University) speaking about a digital health and artificial-based public health platform for cancer risk prediction; Dr. Sara…
Championing Change: Celebrating Dr. John McLaughlin and Welcoming Dr. Jennifer Brooks
…it in cancer prevention and screening, such as in leading the launch of Canada’s first population-based colorectal cancer screening program. At CCO, he also fostered significant growth in disease prevention…
Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow governance update
…Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, U.S. National Cancer Institute Dr. Johan (Hans) van de Sande Vice-Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary Project principal investigators Dr. Richard Gallagher Head, Cancer Control Research Program…
Canada’s Largest-Ever Health Data Portal Opens to Global Researchers
…accessed is available at About the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer works with Canada’s cancer community to reduce the burden of cancer on Canadians. Grounded in and…
Webinaire : Recherche des stagiaires: Utiliser des cohortes de population pour faciliter le dépistage précoce du cancer
…de cancer et, par la suite, développer de nouveaux outils de diagnostic précoce capables de repérer le cancer des années avant l’apparition des symptômes cliniques. Nicholas Cheng a donné un…
Séance simultanée de CanPath à la Conférence canadienne sur la recherche sur le cancer
…sur le cancer, intitulée « Le Partenariat canadien pour la santé de demain : le plus grand laboratoire démographique du Canada pour la recherche sur le cancer », le lundi…
Le point sur la gouvernance du projet de partenariat canadien Espoir pour demain
…canadien Espoir pour demain dans cinq régions, soit la BC Cancer Agency, Alberta Health Services, Action Cancer Ontario, en collaboration avec l’Institut ontarien de recherche sur le cancer, le projet…
Gigi Fallorin
…diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and is undergoing a series of chemotherapy sessions. While prayers help, being a part of the MTP becomes more meaningful and significant — it’s…
Towards refining World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research cancer prevention recommendations for red and processed meat intake: insights from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project cohort
…Tomorrow Project cohort of 26 218 adults who reported dietary intake using the Canadian Diet History Questionnaire. Incidence of cancer was obtained through data linkage with the Alberta Cancer Registry….