Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “breast cancer”
Pre-diagnosis lifestyle, health history and psychosocial factors associated with stage at breast cancer diagnosis - Potential targets to shift stage earlier
This study aimed to examine associations between risk factors for breast cancer diagnosis, prior to and and at diagnosis. Some protective factors include older age at diagnosis, high household income,…
Breast cancer prediction using genome wide single nucleotide polymorphism data
These researchers studied 696 female participants and used an SNC model to determine whether a new subject would develop breast cancer or not….
Potential novel candidate polymorphisms identified in genome-wide association study for breast cancer susceptibility
…doing the two stages they were able to identify various genetic regions and the SNPs discssed could serve as a potential candidate loci for breast cancer in another replication study….
Assessing SNP-SNP Interactions among DNA Repair, Modification and Metabolism Related Pathway Genes in Breast Cancer Susceptibility
A Genome-Wide Association Study to Identify Potential Germline Copy Number Variants for Sporadic Breast Cancer Susceptibility
Patterns and predictors of adherence to breast cancer screening recommendations in Alberta's Tomorrow Project
Webinaire : Renforcer la santé du sein : Approches personnalisées du dépistage du cancer du sein au Canada
…et la prévention du cancer du sein. Elle étudie également l’impact des traitements du cancer du sein sur l’état des patientes, notamment un deuxième cancer du sein primaire controlatéral et…
Dr. Jennifer Brooks at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference
…include breast cancer epidemiology, genetic epidemiology, imaging biomarkers of breast cancer risk and response to treatment, and survivorship. Dr. Brooks will be attending the conference alongside two of her students,…
Roberta Livingstone
…for him to be independent. Do you have any personal experience with cancer and/or other chronic diseases? I was diagnosed with breast cancer survivor when I was 66 years old….
Trainee Research Webinar: The Built Environment, Metabolites, and Cancer Risk
…Aravindakshan and Ly Trinh. Atul’s study investigates the impact of the built environment on various cancers, while Ly focuses on predicting breast cancer risk using metabolomic data. By utilizing the…