Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “breast cancer”
Cohort Profile: The British Columbia Generations Project
The British Columbia Generations Project (BCGP) is a prospective, population-based cohort study hosted at BC Cancer that is examining the effects of environmental exposures, lifestyle and genetics on cancer and…
The association between religiosity, spirituality and colorectal cancer screening: a longitudinal analysis of Alberta's Tomorrow Project in Canada
…to higher odds of colorectal cancer screening, as the association was not statistically significant. The authors of the study propose the implementation of colorectal cancer screening programs in R/S settings….
Metabolomics and cancer preventive behaviors in the BC Generations Project
To better understand links between behaviours and cancer, researchers measured metabolites in blood samples from 1,319 BC Generations Project participants. The study found a large number of metabolites were different…
Améliorer la recherche en santé grâce aux nouveaux ensembles de données sur l'exposition environnementale de CANUE et CanPath
…publication prochaine de l’ouvrage « Understanding Cancer Prevention through Geospatial Science : Putting Cancer in its Place », édité par l’un de nos présentateurs, le Dr Trevor Dummer. Ce livre…
Enhancing health research with new environmental exposure datasets from CANUE and CanPath
…Additionally, we are pleased to share the upcoming release of Understanding Cancer Prevention through Geospatial Science: Putting Cancer in its Place, edited by one of our presenters, Dr. Trevor Dummer….
La Dre Robin Urquhart nommée directrice scientifique de la Partenariat atlantique pour la santé de demain
…(La VOIE atlantique). La Dre Urquhart est professeure agrégée et titulaire de la chaire de recherche de la Société canadienne du cancer sur le cancer des populations au Département de…
The Importance of Cancer Registry Linkage for Studying Rare Cancers in Prospective Cohorts
This research study evaluated the validity of self-reported cancer diagnosis in ATP by linking to the Alberta Cancer Registry. The first instance of self-reported cancer in a follow-up survey was…
Psychosocial factors and cancer incidence (PSY-CA): Protocol for individual participant data meta-analyses
…cancer risk with regard to the incidence of cancer; and (3) to test the mediating role of health behaviors in the relationship between psychosocial factors and the incidence of cancer….
Dr. Robin Urquhart named Scientific Director of Atlantic PATH
…Chair in Population Cancer Research in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Medicine, and Senior Scientist with the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute and…
Cardiovascular disease and physical activity in adult cancer survivors: a nested, retrospective study from the Atlantic PATH cohort
This study looked at the correlation between cardiovasular disease and physical activity levels in cancer survivors. They assessed 1526 cancer survivors and 6034 control people. It was found the cancer…