Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “breast cancer”
Dr. Robin Urquhart at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference
…Cancer Society Endowed Chair in Population Cancer Research in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, with cross-appointments in the Department of Surgery and Division of Medical Education at Dalhousie…
Epidemiological risk model to inform targeted prevention strategies in endometrial cancer
…gender variations and environmental exposures, may also contribute to endometrial cancer risk. Other health conditions are known to contribute to endometrial cancer, but their causal relationships have not been fully…
Harnessing the power of data linkage to enrich the cancer research ecosystem in Canada
…address concerns related to the accessibility of cancer data in Canada, bring more value to existing data, and support an enhanced understanding of the impacts of cancer on marginalized populations….
Canada's research community working together to answer questions about the development of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases
…Heather Bryant, Vice-President of Cancer Control at the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. “We are grateful to the growing number of Canadians who are voluntarily contributing information about their health and…
La Dre Robin Urquhart à la Conférence canadienne sur la recherche sur le cancer
…est professeure agrégée et titulaire de la chaire de la Société canadienne du cancer sur le cancer des populations au Département de santé communautaire et d’épidémiologie et, parallèlement, elle enseigne…
Dr. John Lewis at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference
…prostate cancer research, and the Lewis Lab utilizes real-time intravital imaging of the tumour microenvironment to learn about the critical steps of cancer progression, including the growth of new blood…
Dre Cindy Feng et Ethan Ring à la Conférence canadienne sur la recherche sur le cancer
…le développement du cancer. Ethan présentera une affiche de son travail de fin d’études à la Conférence canadienne de recherche sur le cancer sur l’association entre l’exposition potentielle à l’amiante…
Depression, anxiety, and the risk of cancer: An individual participant data meta-analysis
…anxiety, and the incidence of various cancer types. They found that depression and anxiety are not related to increased risk for most cancer outcomes, except for lung and smoking-related cancers….
La Dre Jennifer Brooks à la Conférence canadienne sur la recherche sur le cancer
…cancer du sein, l’épidémiologie génétique, les biomarqueurs d’imagerie du risque de cancer du sein et de la réponse au traitement, ainsi que sur la survie. La Dre Brooks participera à…
A functionally impaired missense variant identified in French Canadian families implicates FANCI as a candidate ovarian cancer-predisposing gene
…describe how new genes might be associated with ovarian cancer risk amongst 5,249 CARTaGENE participants. They found that a FANCI gene mutation is more common in familial ovarian cancer patients….