Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “breast cancer”

Webinar: Predicting diseases through machine learning models

…and clinical outcomes, and the Alberta Prostate Cancer Registry, a continuously updated database of all Albertan prostate cancer patients linked with those in 14 countries through Movember’s TrueNTH Prostate Cancer


Webinaire : Prédire les maladies grâce à des modèles d’apprentissage machine

…un test sanguin précis permettant de diagnostiquer le cancer agressif de la prostate. Le Dr Lewis est membre fondateur de l’Alberta Prostate Cancer Research Initiative (APCaRI). L’APCaRI est une équipe…


Improving Lung Cancer Risk Prediction & Application

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Canada and the World. Lung screening with computed tomography (CT) can identify lung cancers early, when they are still treatable,…


Dr. Donna Turner

Dr. Donna Turner is a cancer epidemiologist and the Provincial Director of the Population Oncology portfolio at CancerCare Manitoba which is comprised of several programs:  Epidemiology, the Manitoba Cancer Registry, CancerCare…


Perceived susceptibility to developing cancer and screening for colorectal and prostate cancer: A longitudinal analysis of Alberta's Tomorrow Project

…and prostate-specific antigen. Findings suggest health promotion can focus on targeting and heightening personal perceived susceptibility of developing cancer in jurisdictions with low screening rates for colorectal or prostate cancer….


Metabolic profiling of adherence to diet, physical activity and body size recommendations for cancer prevention

This study examined cross-sectional associations between metabolites and cancer preventive behaviors as well as the relevance to cancer-related pathways among 120 participants with no history of smoking or cancer. Cancer


Quantifying the Predictive Accuracy of a Polygenic Risk Score for Predicting Incident Cancer Cases: Application to the CARTaGENE Cohort

This study evaluated the 5-year predictivity of an 18-single nucleotide polymorphism PRS for incident breast cancer cases in the CARTaGENE cohort using pseudo R^2 indices. It concluded that the proposed…


Modèle de risque épidémiologique pour éclairer les stratégies de prévention ciblées du cancer de l’endomètre

Nous utiliserons deux modèles de risque pour prédire l’incidence du cancer de l’endomètre et de sa lésion précurseur, l’hyperplasie endométriale, au sein d’une population canadienne. Ces modèles existants ont tous…


Webinaire de recherche des stagiaires : L’environnement bâti, les métabolites et le risque de cancer

…la pollution de l’air sur les risques de cancer du sein, de la prostate, du poumon et du cancer colorectal. Ly Trinh Ly Trinh est étudiante à la maîtrise ès…


CanPath at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference Community Event

CanPath and Atlantic PATH are excited to participate in the upcoming Canadian Cancer Research Conference Community Event, “Cancer: Prevention, Treatment & You.” Our team members are looking forward to meeting…
