Search results Showing 10 of 10 results for “breast cancer”
How CanPath data can support breast cancer research
…breast cancer prevention and treatment strategies in diverse populations. Read the full article on types of fats and breast cancer risk Check out the latest breast cancer publications using CanPath…
Webinar: Empowering Breast Health: Personalized Approaches to Canadian Breast Cancer Screening
…tools to inform breast cancer screening and prevention. She also studies the impact of breast cancer treatments on patient outcomes, including second primary contralateral breast cancer and treatment-related late effects….
Government of Canada invests in breast cancer research at CanPath
…Canadian Cancer Society, which also received funding for breast cancer public awareness. “When we think of breast cancer screening, data gaps, and the solutions research can deploy, it’s exceptionally important,”…
Personalized Risk Assessment for Prevention and Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Generating Canadian Risk Estimates
Breast cancer is the most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer death in Canadian women. A woman faces a one in eight chance of developing the disease in…
The genetic epidemiology of breast cancer: CanPath Application to the Confluence Project
Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have been successful in identifying over 180 common susceptibility loci (specific physical locations of a gene on a chromosome) for breast cancer. However, heritability analyses…
Examining the etiology of early-onset breast cancer in the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath)
…Project, Alberta’s Tomorrow Project and Ontario Health Study. In this study, measures of adiposity, pregnancy history, and familial history of breast cancer are important risk factors for early-onset breast cancer….
A Prospective Analysis of Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Breast Cancer Risk in 2 Provinces in Canada
…influence breast cancer risk and highlights the complexity and difficulty in using fatty acid status to predict breast cancer risk in diverse populations without the consideration of other risk factors….
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein, hemoglobin A1c and breast cancer risk: a nested case–control study from Alberta’s Tomorrow Project cohort
…may be associated with elevated breast cancer risk, independent of excess body size. However, elevated concentrations of HbA1c did not appear to increase breast cancer risk in apparently healthy women….
Validation of breast cancer risk assessment tools on a French-Canadian population-based cohort
This study evaluated the use of the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (BCRAT), International Breast Cancer Intervention Study risk evaluation tool (IBIS), Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) and combined scores to…
Founder BRCA1/BRCA2/PALB2 pathogenic variants in French-Canadian breast cancer cases and controls
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of genetic testing for these variants of the BRCA gene in Montreal French Canadians. A total of 555 breast cancer…