Résultats de recherche Affichage de 10 résultats sur 10 pour “breast cancer”

Webinar: Introducing the CanPath Student Dataset

…risk prediction tools to inform breast cancer screening and prevention. She also studies the impact of breast cancer treatments on patient outcomes including second primary contralateral breast cancer and treatment-related…


Dr. Trevor Dummer and Mohadeseh Ahmadi at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference

…at the University of British Columbia, the Canadian Cancer Society Chair in Primary Prevention, and Affiliated Scientist, BC Cancer. Dr. Dummer’s research interests include how the environment, communities and neighbourhoods…


Dr. Jennifer Brooks

…tools to inform breast cancer screening and prevention. She also studies the impact of breast cancer treatments on patient outcomes, including second primary contralateral breast cancer and treatment-related late effects….


Journée mondiale contre le cancer : les Canadiens sont prêts à contribuer à la prévention du cancer

…à propos du Partenariat et de la stratégie canadienne de lutte contre le cancer, visitez le site partenariatcontrelecancer.ca. Le Partenariat canadien contre le cancer est également l’instigateur du site vuesurlecancer.ca,…


World Cancer Day: Canadians Willing to Pitch in to Prevent Cancer

…are being driven by partner organizations in the five participating regions including the BC Cancer Agency, Alberta Health Services – Cancer Care, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Cancer Care Ontario,…


Investigating the causal role of MRE11A p.E506* in breast and ovarian cancer

Cette étude a examiné si le gène MRE11A comporte une véritable prédisposition au cancer héréditaire du sein et de l’ovaire (CHSO). Les analyses ont montré que la variante identifiée n’est pas liée à un risque accru de cancer du sein ou de l’ovaire, et semblent indiquer un manque d’utilité clinique des tests de MRE11A dans le CHSO, du moins dans les populations blanches/caucasiennes.


Comment les données de CanPath peuvent soutenir la recherche sur le cancer du sein

…du risque de cancer du sein lorsque le rapport taille-hanche était inférieur à un certain niveau. L’étude souligne que l’influence des acides gras sur le risque de cancer du sein…


Dr. Ellen Sweeney and Mr. Yunsong Cui at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference

cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, environmental exposures, and polypharmacy. Yunsong will be presenting a poster on depression, anxiety and the risk of cancer from the Psychosocial Factors and Cancer


Launch of Canadian 30-Year Cancer Prevention Study

…organizations in five regions: the BC Cancer Agency, Alberta Health Services, Cancer Care Ontario with the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Quebec’s CARTaGENE project, and Cancer Care Nova Scotia with…


Ten years, 330,000+ Canadians: CPTP connects participants from coast to coast with shared goal of a healthier future

After losing her aunt to breast cancer, Krista felt powerless and wanted to help make a difference. Marc felt empowered when he started taking a more active role in his…
